AAA-PBP Eddie Conroy

"Change is possible, change is necessary,
AAA-PBP, for a fairer society.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


SPARK is a campaign of group of single parents that came together after Budget 2012 to oppose Minister Joan Burton's cuts to the One Parent Family Allowance. This budget which was to be implemented up until 2017, has seen single parents cut more than any other section of society. 

Parents with children over seven years old have been cut off OPFA without any childcare provided. The income disregard for working lone parents has been cut from 146.50 to 90. These changes have made it harder for parents to enter the workforce. One parent families have the highest levels of poverty in Ireland, and 63% suffer two or more forms of deprivation on a regular basis. The knock on effect of multiple cuts such as rent allowance, Back to School Allowance with cuts to the lone parents allowance has resulted in a spike of many seeking help from charities. Prior to Minister Burton’s cuts 60% of lone parents were in some form of employment, this has now been reduced to 36%.

In 1997 a single parent could claim OPFA up until their youngest was 18 years old, or 22 if in full time education. The income disregard in 1997 was €146.50 and never increased over the boom years. To put this into context in 2017 the income disregard will be 90 and a parent can only claim OPFA up to age seven. This means one parent families are clearly worse off than they were 20 years ago.

SPARK recognise that the OPFA system had many poverty traps and failures, but such severe cuts without adequate childcare, social housing and other supports is adding to child poverty.

SPARK will be over the election period running a campaign to get lone parents registered to vote. They will also put forward a questionnaire to all candidates and parties to see who supports proposed recommendations for one parent families. Those who support and those who don't will be rated by SPARK to highlight to lone parents who will work for them when they cast their vote.

SPARK fully endorse PBP Alliance for their continued support, and rate them as a party to vote for in GE16.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Healthcare For People NOT Profit

Health is a basic but crucial concern for everyone. Health Care and Welfare are vital to improving our health as a population. Key to this is spending money wisely on Welfare and Health Care rather than on paperwork or profits. Inequality hurts people at every level not just the most vulnerable. As a result, progressive taxation, taxing the rich at a higher rate, can help improve services and reduce inequality in wealth and therefore improve all our Health. Profit-based systems cost more and provide less quality care.

It has been the strategy of Fine Gael-Labour, and the Fianna Fáil-Greens before them, to avoid taking on the issue of inequality in health and wealth. They do this by cuts to funding the public service,
particularly staff numbers, and then when faced with the inevitable increases in waiting lists and
trolleys they say how awful the service is. The private sector benefits massively from this as they mop up the unemployed and resigning health workers, and patients seek out private options. This strategy has intensified due to the government austerity policies of the last 8 years. Health has been targeted for vicious cuts in staff and facilities but also as a source for profiteering by Private Hospitals, Nursing Homes as well as Health Insurance and Drug companies with their outrageous price hikes. Fine Gael Health Minister Leo Varadkar has behaved like an insurance salesman, using the threat of higher premia later in life to scare people into buying Private Health Insurance. He has allowed the HSE to deteriorate into a chaotic mess, dominated by cynical officials who treat their frontline staff and patients with contempt.

In 2015 increasing waiting times for hospital treatments and a new crisis of trolleys in A&E showed the long-term problems of hospital capacity for beds and staff on wards, and the funding of the Irish health service. Leo Varadkar’s answer is to pretend to be an onlooker, saying the Health Service needs more funding, while Varadkar’s support for the Private sector - for-profit Health Insurance, Private Hospitals and Private Nursing Homes - shows Fine Gael-Labour’s real plan.

People Before Profit strongly supports Universal Health Care through the formation of a National
Health Service but Fine Gael-Labour’s plan, called ‘Universal Health Insurance’ (UHI), instead means private for-profit Health Insurance would be universal rather than Health Care. The World HealthOrganisation emphasises that for care to be fully ‘Universal’ it needs to be available to everyone and cover all the cost of Health services (including medication, dentistry, hearing and vision, psychotherapy, physiotherapy and so on). But, under UHI, costs would go up and quality of healthcare would go down for all but the richest elite.

Even with government support, privatisation efforts have failed to deliver. Government policy since the 2001 ‘Health Strategy’ was to increase public hospital beds by 3,000 to bring up the total to 15,000 beds. Minister for Health Mary Harney tried to pretend that only 1,000 private ‘collocated’ beds would do instead, but even these few beds were never achieved by the private sector despite massive state subsidies. Instead the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) now estimates that 1,700 more acute beds in public hospitals have been closed since 2008 leaving us with somewhere in the region of 10,500 beds. Bringing our hospital bed capacity, at 2.8 beds per thousand people, up to the EU average 4.8 beds per thousand population, would mean a capacity of at least the 18,000 acute hospital beds we had in the 1980s. Increasing the number of beds crucially means employing the staff to care for the people in them.

Market madness has seen VHI increase their subscriptions by more than half. Fear of long waiting lists and unequal access to consultant specialists has pushed half the population to take out private Health Insurance. However, increasing numbers of people are having to give up their health insurance because they lose their job or can’t afford to keep up payments for rising insurance premia. An example of this market madness is the manner in which consultants draw a huge salary from both public and private practices. Hospital Consultants doing private practice are already on a salary of over €150,000 a year, but the average consultant gets the same again in fees, most of which are earned in public hospitals. That is over €300 million a year wasted on ‘double pay’.

But it is the whole ‘two-tier’ system that needs to be urgently changed.

Fine Gael’s proposal to force everyone into a for-profit Private Health Insurance market, so-called
‘Universal Health Insurance’, would be a disaster exceeding even Irish Water in scale. Costs would
skyrocket through billing, marketing, profits, legal and accounting fees and massive executive salaries and bonuses as well as the duplication and distortion caused by organising care on the basis of money rather than medical need. In the U.S. the health service has gone furthest down the road of for-profit care controlled by private health insurance companies and private hospitals, but this means it is also the most expensive and one of the worst-rated health services in the developed world. The best rated services for costs and outcomes are the publicly funded health services, especially those tax-funded like the NHS in the UK, which is also threatened by privatisation from the right-wing Tory government there and the Thatcherite Labour governments before them.

Fine Gael-Labour here promised in 2011 to publish the details of their privatisation plans for UHI but
after 5 years in government have failed to even say what services would be provided under UHI or how much the Insurance premia would cost. Promised free GP care has not materialised except for the under-6s, under-12s and over-70s. Primary Care Centres are being built at a miserable rate of less than 10 a year. Instead of keeping their promises the government has savagely cut staff numbers in the Health Service by 10% especially its most experienced staff. This is devastating the services available and driving up waiting lists for care.

Leo Varadkar is continuing to implement the core Fine Gael plan to run down the HSE until it is in such disarray that they can hand it over to private for-profit Health Insurers as a rescue remedy. The
promised single-tier health service with free GP and Hospital care has not materialised because the
government support the more expensive for-profit care in the private sector.

Instead of markets, truly Universal Health Care needs democratically elected Community Health
Councils to ensure profiteering or political corruption do not get in the way of a well-planned ‘National Health Service’ in Ireland.

People Before Profit proposes the following:

1. A National Health Service that is Universal, Comprehensive, Democratically planned, funded by
progressive taxation and Free at the point of use. No to privatisation which puts profits before people.

2. No to cuts and privatisation. No more hospital closures, service reductions or staff cuts. Reopen
closed wards and increase bed capacity to 18,000 beds nationally. Reopen Accident and Emergency
units and Hospitals that have been closed during the recession. Small towns and rural areas have been
hit hard by closures, increasing travel times and putting patients at risk. More ambulances and air
ambulances are required to reduce transit times in emergencies. Guarantee response to medical
emergencies by ambulance within 12 minutes and transit time to emergency healthcare to be less than
one hour in total. Restore staff lost in cuts and increase health staffing to at least EU average levels.
Good health services require proper treatment of patients and staff. End ‘outsourcing’ of frontline
health service jobs, such as catering, cleaning and security, as outsourcing is wasteful and dangerous.
Permanent, pensionable jobs provide secure employment and halt the exodus of qualified Health staff.

3. To Fund the Health Service: Progressive taxation to fund Universal Health Care in the health service and reduce health and wealth inequalities, improving everyone’s health. For-profit care has proven to be less effective and more expensive. Fine Gael-Labour lie when they say that Universal Health Care is too expensive to introduce immediately: It is less expensive than what we already have. UHI should be cancelled and we should develop a genuine Universal Health Care system.

Cut profiteering in healthcare: Cut private healthcare and Drug company profits by taxation earmarked for health care. Cut profiteering in drug costs by achieving EU average 80% generic prescribing and refusing to pay more than the cost of drugs in equivalent countries such as Spain or New Zealand. Any money saved by cutting waste such as the duplication and profits of private medicine to be earmarked for reinvestment in the health service. To retain staff, all new entrants including trainee doctors and Nurses should be offered permanent pensionable contracts and provided with quality training and continuing education programmes. Consultants should not be allowed to earn both a public salary and a private income from fees.

Abolish prescription charges and all other out-of-pocket payments such as hospital charges. Charging
people when they are sick is the least effective form of funding a health service and can even cause
people to avoid attending services altogether to the detriment of their health. Re-establish medical
card cover for nutritional supplements and alternatives such as gluten-free foods.

4. Establish 500 Primary Care Teams (PCTs), and the Primary Care Centres to house them: one PCT for every 8-10,000 people, with services free at the point of use and networked with hospitals and other health services. Complete all Primary Care Centres within 5 years. Employ a full range of health staff in Health Centres: Psychologists, Physiotherapists, Social Workers, Counsellors, General Practitioners (GPs), Nurses, Occupational Therapists (OTs), Speech and Language Therapists, Dentists, Opticians and Pharmacists. End capitation and offer all primary care staff, including GPs, a permanent, pensionable job in a National Health Service. Developing community involvement can be facilitated through employing a network of Community Development Health Workers based in community projects and family resource centres which are linked to their local PCTs. In addition community food initiatives which were established under Safefood to address food poverty and education around food in Northern Ireland and the Republic should be properly funded and supported in local communities.

5. Hospital Groups and local closures: Stop the covert implementation of the Hanly report through the introduction of ‘Hospital Groups’. Hospitals should be networked with all other health services
including primary care and not cut off in their own disconnected ‘hospital group’. Proposals for
‘improvement’ in services should be approved democratically by Community Health Councils drawn
from the local communities and services affected, informed by all the best options for improving care. To deal with oversupply of lower quality care in the private sector, any useful Private facilities could be incorporated into the public system by nationalising them. The drive for profits in Nursing Homes is undermining standards of staffing numbers and training.

6. Improve care and respect for elderly people in an aging population. Throw out the ‘Fair Deal’ and
plan for an aging population with a full range of services: proper free State nursing home care,
sheltered accommodation/retirement villages, house adaptations, home care, community services and
respite for carers. Reverse the cuts and increase the Carer's allowance.

7. Increase funding for Mental Health and Disability Services. Mental Health funding should be
increased to at least 12 percent of the health budget. Improve access to alternatives such as social
support, OT and Psychotherapy to reduce the over-reliance on multiple drug prescription and coercion in Mental Health Care. Treatment of drug dependency and mental health should be more closely integrated, with promotion of non-drug options for personal and social problems. Improve funding for services and facilities for assisting safe withdrawal and longer-term rehabilitation in patients with long-term use of psychoactive drugs including prescription drugs. Funding for Disability Services should be increased and be rights-based.

Improve access for children to prompt, good quality mental health and developmental assessments
and therapies by properly staffing Primary and Secondary Care Mental Health and Disability Teams to age 18 and ensuring Tusla child welfare services are adequately staffed and supported with childcare facilities. Child Mental Health should receive at least 25% of the Mental Health budget. Ensure 24-hour access to emergency beds in children’s wards in mental health emergencies. Support for parental welfare and mental health improves children’s welfare and mental health. Improve liaison with and availability of school supports including small class sizes, Resource Teachers, SNAs and NEPS psychologists.

In Mental Health care emphasise preventive measures such as increased welfare spending, especially
on income support, child care, social care, jobs and housing to reduce mental health problems
including substance abuse and suicide.

8. Improve cancer care including screening, access to diagnostic tests, radiotherapy/chemo close to
home and facilitate transport to regional centres as required.

9. End the exclusion of vulnerable groups from services. Allow decisions on end-of-life care and crisis pregnancy to be based on patient consent and autonomy and not on coercion. Repeal the eighth
amendment. Provide the full range of reproductive health services, including abortion services, in
primary care centres as well as hospitals, and license the medicines required. Health professionals
should be able to advise on the evidence base for decisions in health care but responsibility for the
final decision should always be held by the relevant patient.

10. Prioritise preventive medicine/health-promotion and target poverty and inequality as key factors in improving community health and social well-being. Establish an independent Health Promotion Agency to research and advise on Public Health Promotion, local and national priorities for health service development and practical proposals for reducing Wealth and Health Inequalities. Health inequality is linked to income and wealth inequality. We can, therefore, improve everyone’s health through a general policy of wealth redistribution. All legislation should be ‘health-proofed’ by this Health Promotion Agency to estimate risks and benefits to health.

To address the rising epidemic of illnesses related to obesity and high blood pressure, access to regular opportunities to exercise and to fresh, affordable, high-quality, locally-sourced food should be
subsidised to improve our population health. Food should be adequately labelled for contents (for
example with the simple ‘traffic light’ warning system), especially additives, and recommended limits enforced for additives, especially caffeine, alcohol, sugar, salt and fats. Where possible, food and drug production should be considered for nationalisation. Promotional advertising to increase consumption of food or drugs should be banned and replaced by reliable information on quality of contents. Chemicals added to food, water or air should be more closely regulated and subject to public consultation and control. Improved levels of control in the workplace are proven to improve health and welfare and employees should have more say in decisions regarding work practices, work-life balance, terms and conditions and access to quality food, exercise and safe practices in the workplace.

11. End Corruption and Improve Service Planning: Root out corruption in healthcare delivery by
improving national government accountability and local democratic control. Abolish Hospital Groups
and replace the HSE Board with elected, local Community Health Councils for the democratic planning of local health services. Ensure democratic representation by user groups and non-management health workers and the support of an independent Health Promotion Agency. The Department of Health to be the body accountable for the effective and efficient coordination of health services

Principles of a National Health Service:

Universal Health Care
The health service should be ‘universal’ covering everybody and ‘comprehensive’ covering all their
health needs (including drug costs, psychotherapy, physio and other therapies and care for teeth, eyes,
end-of-life care and reproductive health). ‘Universal’ means little without care also being

Funded through progressive taxation and free at the point of use
‘Progressive taxation’ is a fairer and more efficient way of funding healthcare. It means the more your income the higher the rate of tax you pay. Insurance is regressive (flat rate) and causes duplication waste and leads to unequal coverage. Direct charges for use is regressive and discourages the less wealthy to avoid using necessary services.

Democratically Planned
Services need to plan ahead based on knowledge of the local population and their health needs.
‘Money should follow the patient’ ignores the fact that money doesn’t put services in place unless they are planned ahead. Money should ‘go ahead of the patient’ instead. Democratic control by the local community and frontline workers is necessary to ensure healthcare (rather than profit or political careers) remains the priority. We need democratically elected Community Health Councils and an Independent Agency of Public Health Promotion working with a responsible and accountable Dept of Health to coordinate an effective and efficient Health Service.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Below are a few graphics from The Times, neighbourhood crime survey published recently. 
Crime rates recorded by all 563 Garda stations across the country is a link to the full data where you can extract a lot of interesting stuff.

Reported crimes are up as we can see in the first picture. The second picture shows the breakdown of types of crimes reported in each local station. The 3rd graphic shows a steep rise in reported crime figures to the Castlerea station. Is this due to it being the head office for Boyle, Elphin etc? 

Below we can see that recruitment in general is pathetic considering the numbers that retire annually. The government will need to step up hugely from the few hundred promised recently. Sligo, Roscommon, Leitrim, Cavan & Longford have really been left behind. How does the government expect the force to function when they have depleted their manpower, resources and morale?

This last graphic is perhaps the one that really jumps out at you. Roscommon and Leitrim, lit up in the middle of Ireland. We are ignored for jobs,  devastated by emigration and our Garda stations and indeed Gardaí are under threat from this government. We are on a level with Dublin for nothing other than % rise in crime rates. This government and the last have shown that they will follow the instructions from Europe no matter what the cost to essential services in Ireland. Operation Thor is a sticking plaster, election gimmick from Fine Gael and Labour. We must put an end to them and their campaign against rural Ireland. Let's fightback. Vote them out.

Google Ireland said it paid €28.6m in Corporation Tax here last year, on a turnover of €18.3 billion.
The internet services giant has its Europe, Middle East and Africa headquarters in Dublin.
The latest accounts show a rise in after-tax profits last year, of €13.3m to €167.9m
18.3 billion turnover à 167.9 million declared profit  à 28.6 million corporate tax

Google Ireland’s accounts showed some €12.5 billion from the revenues it booked in the Republic were siphoned off in administrative expenses, which included royalties’ paid to its own offshore companies. Google, like many other multinationals with operations in Ireland, has been criticized for using a web of international subsidiaries to route its global profits to tax havens. While legal, the complex structures mean companies can avoid paying taxes on all but a fraction of the amounts they earn outside their home territories. A recent study
estimated the company was hoarding $45 billion offshore, although that figure was dwarfed by the $181 billion attributed to Apple.

That said; let’s just look at the 12.5 billion in revenues for Google, booked in this country and exported, wherever. If they paid the existing corporate tax rate, of 12.5%, that would keep €1.56 billion here for the public purse. What would €1.56 billion pay for in a year?
(i)                  Build 10,000 homes at a cost of €156,000 each or,
(ii)                More than double the Garda Síochána budget (currently €1.4 billion) or,
(iii)               Employ 50,000 nurses or,
(iv)              Employ 50,000 teachers or,
(v)                Fix the water infrastructure and abolish property tax

Google are only one multinational. Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook said on Wednesday that, the company's operations in Cork will not be affected by the outcome of an investigation into Apple's tax affairs in Ireland and that his company was firmly rooted in Ireland. 

If all of the multinationals contribute what they ought to, this country can be fixed.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

How PBP will fund Change and Fairness

Health Crisis
Housing Crisis
Poverty Crisis
Crime Crisis

How are PBP going to pay for reversing the government policies which have caused these?
I ask you to listen to Richard for the 8 minutes. The money is there. They just won't collect it. Easing the burden on ordinary people puts money into the economy. It doesn't get exported to offshore accounts.

The left in government do not have to reinvent the wheel. There are a few simple, fair changes that we can make that will improve the lives of everyone. These are not radical, looney or fantasy ideas. They're simple and very workable.

It won't make the super rich less wealthy, but, it will stop the flow of wealth going in one very narrow and privileged direction. It will allow every citizen to feel a small benefit from the enormous wealth and resources that are present in this country. The same wealth and resources that this government are so desperate to give away so that their corporate masters will pat them on the head.

Here's Richard Boyd Barrett with some very straight talking.

Monday, November 2, 2015


I invited Pauline McElroy from Connect Ireland to come and speak to the newly formed " Boyle Town Team" on Friday 23rd October. I'm hoping Connect Ireland will assist our Town Team in promoting the town and region to potential investors and new business. We're all hoping that some new jobs may come from the efforts of the town team. I'm 100% behind them. I will direct anyone and anything that might be of help to us, in their direction. This region in North Roscommon is going to have to fight for its own survival because the last two governments have abandoned us. They have actively encouraged our very best young people to leave Ireland, with their cruel and unnecessary policies. They made us a tax haven for corporations but forced our young people out of the country.

The recent figures released regarding IDA visits shows that Roscommon received one, just one, in 2015. It is little wonder that there are no jobs or investments coming west of the Shannon when the government and the IDA won't even bring potential investors down here. If anything is going to happen on the jobs front in Roscommon, we're going to have to sort it oursleves. I'd appeal to the public to get behind their local initiatives and help them to sell the "positive" about Roscommon.
If we can get a few jobs here, we might attract some of our young people back.

See story from the at this link.

Pauline McElroy is a Business developer with ConnectIreland.
ConnectIreland was appointed to carry out the "Succeed in Ireland Initiative". 
Their remit is to attract new foreign direct investment into Ireland through people’s connections around the world. By introducing ConnectIreland to such a company you could be entitled to a reward if it qualifies, see    
ConnectIreland are hoping to help Boyle town team to reach out to their networks to see if they can find a connection into a foreign company that might look at locating in Boyle or surrounding areas.  ConnectIreland will advise the team on different strategies to help reach out to these networks and also to put together a brochure on "Why Boyle".

Thursday, October 29, 2015

A Message from Eddie Conroy

Since the economic crisis began I have been appalled at the destruction of lives and communities in the West of Ireland. Over the last 12 months, I have decided to do something about it as part of the Right2Water Boyle campaign. Now with huge encouragement from friends, local people and my colleagues in R2W, I’m delighted to put myself forward as a candidate for the Roscommon/East Galway constituency in the upcoming general election. I will stand for People Before Profit because I believe that lives should come before big profits. We are told that Ireland has the fastest growing economy in the EU and yet 21% of our children still go to school hungry. This can only be the result of political choices made by Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and the Labour Party. The last two governments have saved their elite friends and demanded that we pay for it. Austerity has failed the population and the political establishment have failed the people.

People in the West have been hit particularly hard. There is anger and frustration at the neglect of Roscommon by successive governments, with emigration becoming a massive social problem. In my hometown of Boyle, it is difficult to find a person between 18 and 27. Every town in the constituency also has poverty, homelessness, deprivation and families being harassed by the banks. Boyle has lost the fish factory, its hotel, its courthouse and the Grada station has had its hours much reduced. We’ve had No government initiative or job creation in over 20 years. This is reflected in every community, town and village in Roscommon.

However, the government didn’t count on the biggest citizen’s movement since the foundation of the state. Ireland has woken up. Right2Water groups have helped countless people to see the truth about austerity and why it is wrong on so many levels. Right2Water has been the catalyst for major change in how politics will be done in Ireland and PBP want to be part of this change. We want a real democratic transformation, which puts the needs of people before the needs of corporate greed. A Vote for me is a vote for someone who believes passionately in grassroots democracy, genuine equality and hope for the future. I will lead struggles and continue to stand with people in their fight against austerity and unjust governance until we have a society that treats every citizen fairly.