AAA-PBP Eddie Conroy

"Change is possible, change is necessary,
AAA-PBP, for a fairer society.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

A few extracts from Jeremy Corbyn speaking today. The Tories and Fine Gael are as bad as each other. Fine Gael are trying to follow the Thatcher route. Run down services, privatise, sell off every available natural resource, sell out the people.
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"The absence of fairness and the wish for more of it is what drives us into political activity. We want a fair treatment for all, a fairer society and a fairer world. The passion to change things, to make things better, is what drives us all.
Their concept of fairness is of a very different order to ours. Fairness for only a few is not fairness, but privilege."
"Hidden among the fake concern for ‘balancing the books’, is the same hoary old Tory ideology – to shrink the state, to shrink fairness."
"Look at the floods – flood defence schemes up and down the country cut back because of a political ideology that says the state must be shrunk."
"Just because the Tories are running the state into the ground, don’t think it’s our public services that are the problem.
This is the same Tory strategy – they did it with the railways – underfund it, make cuts, run the service down, then offer up privatisation as the solution.
Cynical, dishonest and unfair.
It’s not just public services though they see only a limited role for the state because they want fairness limited too."
"We need to make EU decision-making more accountable to its people put jobs and growth at the heart of European policy strengthen workers’ rights in a real social Europe, and end the pressure to privatise services."