AAA-PBP Eddie Conroy

"Change is possible, change is necessary,
AAA-PBP, for a fairer society.

Friday, July 1, 2016


The government has handpicked a Water Charges Commission that is totally biased and has been designed to bring one result – more propaganda in favour of water charges.
The Minister responsible, Simon Coveney, gave the game away when he declared that he hoped it would ‘ create acceptance” among citizens as to how best to pay for water’
This is evident in the composition of the Commission.
Its chairperson is the former Senator Joe O’Toole, who has already declared that ‘central taxation is not enough to pay for water services’ In other words, water charges are needed.
Among the Commission members is Dr Xavier Leflaive from the OECD. This agency has consistently pushed an agenda of ‘user fees’ and Leflaive has written that
water pricing can be used to signal scarcity and to create incentives for efficient water use in all sectors (e.g. agriculture, industry, domestic). Social consequences are best addressed through well-designed tariff structures or targeted measures’.
The Commission has two key figures linked to Scotland’s water industry, which the government sees as a possible model for Ireland.
One is Peter Peacock who is chair of the Customer Forum for Water Scotland and a former Scottish Minister. He has written that ‘The Forum and Scottish Water seek to agree between them … about the price household and business customers should pay’
He favours charges and boasts that ‘customer forums;’ can help lower prices. Yet water and waste charges in Scotland amounted to an average of £417 a year or nearly €500.
The other Scottish figure on the commission is Ms Sarah Hendry, an academic lawyer specialising in water law. She teaches a module on how ‘price setting’ can ‘achieve social and economic objectives’.
The Commission also includes Gritta Nottelman, a strategy consultant with Waternet, a Dutch water company that charges for both tap water and discharge of waste water.
Another member is Bill Emery, who was a former director at OFFWAT, the British regulatory authority that presided over a privatised water system. In his spare time, Emery is also an ‘associate’ of the consultancy company, Indepen.
This company claims a particular competency on how business can interact with public agencies. It lists a full 22 water companies amongst its clients.

There is no representative of the Right2Water movement on the commission. It is simply full of people who are already biased in favour of water charges. What a sham!