Health Crisis
Housing Crisis
Poverty Crisis
Crime Crisis
How are PBP going to pay for reversing the government policies which have caused these?
I ask you to listen to Richard for the 8 minutes. The money is there. They just won't collect it. Easing the burden on ordinary people puts money into the economy. It doesn't get exported to offshore accounts.
The left in government do not have to reinvent the wheel. There are a few simple, fair changes that we can make that will improve the lives of everyone. These are not radical, looney or fantasy ideas. They're simple and very workable.
It won't make the super rich less wealthy, but, it will stop the flow of wealth going in one very narrow and privileged direction. It will allow every citizen to feel a small benefit from the enormous wealth and resources that are present in this country. The same wealth and resources that this government are so desperate to give away so that their corporate masters will pat them on the head.
Here's Richard Boyd Barrett with some very straight talking.