AAA-PBP Eddie Conroy

"Change is possible, change is necessary,
AAA-PBP, for a fairer society.

Monday, November 2, 2015


I invited Pauline McElroy from Connect Ireland to come and speak to the newly formed " Boyle Town Team" on Friday 23rd October. I'm hoping Connect Ireland will assist our Town Team in promoting the town and region to potential investors and new business. We're all hoping that some new jobs may come from the efforts of the town team. I'm 100% behind them. I will direct anyone and anything that might be of help to us, in their direction. This region in North Roscommon is going to have to fight for its own survival because the last two governments have abandoned us. They have actively encouraged our very best young people to leave Ireland, with their cruel and unnecessary policies. They made us a tax haven for corporations but forced our young people out of the country.

The recent figures released regarding IDA visits shows that Roscommon received one, just one, in 2015. It is little wonder that there are no jobs or investments coming west of the Shannon when the government and the IDA won't even bring potential investors down here. If anything is going to happen on the jobs front in Roscommon, we're going to have to sort it oursleves. I'd appeal to the public to get behind their local initiatives and help them to sell the "positive" about Roscommon.
If we can get a few jobs here, we might attract some of our young people back.

See story from the at this link.

Pauline McElroy is a Business developer with ConnectIreland.
ConnectIreland was appointed to carry out the "Succeed in Ireland Initiative". 
Their remit is to attract new foreign direct investment into Ireland through people’s connections around the world. By introducing ConnectIreland to such a company you could be entitled to a reward if it qualifies, see    
ConnectIreland are hoping to help Boyle town team to reach out to their networks to see if they can find a connection into a foreign company that might look at locating in Boyle or surrounding areas.  ConnectIreland will advise the team on different strategies to help reach out to these networks and also to put together a brochure on "Why Boyle".